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Best Equipment to Run Your B2B Podcasts

Written by Casted | Jan 18, 2021 11:00:00 AM

You're a marketer running a B2B podcast. So your primary focus is on producing the best content possible. In fact, you likely already have a three-month calendar of topics to cover, guests to interview, and plans for channel promotion.

But what good will this do if the podcasts you create have poor quality sound?

Having the technical side of your B2B podcast covered is an important part of the podcasting process. Because you’re competing with every podcast (not just B2B) your audience could listen to, it's difficult (if not impossible) to market a poor-quality podcast episode. Nor should you have to.

Here are some tips from Podcast Fast Track and our own producer of The Casted Podcast, Fabian Rodriguez, to help get your B2B podcast the tools needed to succeed. 

Microphones for Different Budgets & Studio Setups

The microphone you choose for your B2B podcast will be determined by your budget and how many people you need microphones for. Here's a look at some of the best options you can find on the market today. 

Beginner Mic (On a Budget)

Let's say you're just getting started with a B2B podcast and have a limited budget. What would be the best microphone to start with?

According to our own producer, Fabian, there are two options you can purchase for under $100:

Fabian used the Behringer for all of the Drink Culture episodes, his own podcast, (to prove the quality). And the Audio-Technica has been used by the podcast team throughout the quarantine. 

The Podcast Fast Track agrees with The Audio-Technica being an excellent affordable mic for a one-person operation. 

Upgraded Mic Options

There will come a time when you're ready to upgrade your studio with a better microphone. So which options should you consider for your B2B podcast?

Casted's producer has two great recommendations if you have a budget between $200 and $500:

But if you're looking for a complete upgrade to your setup, Podcast Fast Track offers these recommendations:

Best Mics for Two-Person Setup

If you’re using this article to help build out an in-house studio, chances are, you have thoughts about physically inviting people to your shows. These people might be your regular co-hosts or guests that you invite to the studio.

Either way, you're going to need a setup that caters to two people speaking in-studio. 

Podcast Fast Track has several options to consider. If you're on a budget, then you can opt for:

However, if you have more money to spend, then you can go with the following options:

Now, if you're looking for a permanent or mobile setup for your B2B podcast, you can use these products:

Tips for Avoiding Bad Sound

You have your B2B podcast gear all set up—does this mean you're home free? Not just yet. 

You have to make sure you're using the right equipment to ensure you're producing great sound. Fabian offered some excellent insights:

  • Use a pop filter and mic cover to prevent hearing those annoying P's and S's (Google your mic to find those made for your model)

  • Soundproof your recording studio (or wherever you're at)

    • You can use this acoustic foam if you have a dedicated room 

    • If you're on-the-go, recording at home or work, then this tabletop compact shield

    • Or you can make something yourself like Ira Glass did… and if it’s good enough for Ira Glass, it’s good enough for us!

Tips for Positioning Your Microphone

According to Fabian, it's common for newbie B2B podcasters to talk too close to the mic. But doing this will cause unnecessary noise, like excessive reverb and a weighted bassy feel. 

To avoid this, you need to have your mic set at least six to eight inches from your mouth. If you don't have a ruler, you can use your hand—extend your thumb and pinky (like a pretend phone) and place the thumb on your chin and your pinky to the mic

Any closer than this, and you might end up with a ton of audio editing to clean up your episodes. 

Get Your B2B Podcast Up and Running

Building a successful B2B podcast requires a great strategy, quality equipment, and the right setup. You know your audience and the content you need to create to attract them. 

The only thing you're missing is a platform to upload, distribute, and track the metrics of your episodes. 

At Casted, we help B2B brands share amazing content across all channels (email, social, and your website). Our platform also offers analytics to help you continuously improve your content. 

Ready to see how it works? Then request a demo today!