The only B2B content marketing platform fueled by podcast and video content

How Access Leads to Amplification for Salesforce with Salesforce's Michael Rivo

Written by Casted | Nov 19, 2021 1:00:00 PM

Imagine this: Your marketing team is an engine that pushes out creative, high-quality audio and video content that aligns with your organization’s goals while addressing your customer’s needs. Sounds like a lot of work, right?

Just like any good engine needs maintenance, your marketing team needs a platform that can keep up while adding a productive value to your strategy.

See where I’m going with this?

For this episode of AMP: The Amplified Marketing Podcast, we are joined by Director of the Salesforce Studio Team, Michael Rivo who is no stranger to the woes of content teams at enterprise brands. 

With over 20 shows in production as part of the launch of Salesforce Plus, Michael knew that his team needed to bring all of their content under one umbrella to create consistent processes and structure for their content universe. 

Tune in now to learn more about how an Amplified Marketing Platform assists Michael and his team towards achieving a Podcasting Center of Excellence. 

Digging into Key Takeaways

For each episode, we like to highlight some key takeaways. Think of it as a podcast outline or live show notes. Here are just a few of the takeaways that really stood out to us in this episode.

The Center of Excellence💡

Achieving excellence in the realm of podcasting can be easily obtained; that is if you follow the proper steps. Start out by focusing not only on the content’s final product, but on the production process for that content as well. Provide tools to make the podcasting process a self-service model. Make the content being created a mode of empowerment for those it affects, then challenge them to channel it into their market opportunity.

Life Before Amplified Marketing 🪐

Making a podcast seems to be a pretty easy process, right? You have a conversation, record it, upload it to a platform, and then onto the next episode.  Well, that process can be made even easier if you find the right platform. A platform can make your distribution strategy more effective, metrics easily obtainable, and create a center of excellence around your podcast. So have you found the right platform for your content, or more importantly, for your team?

Advice to Those who Want to Amplify Their Marketing Strategies 📣

To begin amplifying your marketing strategies, a best practice is to identify what your organization is trying to accomplish on a larger scale. This can help you pin down what your customers’ pain points are and give you a starting point of what content types you should include to address these issues. Then bring that content back to the organization and engage them to be a part of the solution for the customers’ problems.

Interested in More from Salesforce?

Interested in learning more about Michael and how Salesforce is creating a Podcasting Center of Excellence? Check out Salesforce’s Dreamforce for all the content you need! 

Want to skim through Michael’s episode instead of listening? Read the transcript here.

About Season 1 of AMP: The Amplified Marketing Podcast

Welcome to Season 1 of The Amplified Marketing Podcast, where we get into the challenges that content marketers face by talking with the brands who are already knocking down obstacles and raising the quality of their content with amplified marketing. In each episode, we uncover the best strategies for creating meaningful content and then getting the most traction from that content by wringing it out and amplifying it across all channels. Not only do we dive into amplified marketing components and reveal just how much of an impact this new approach to content marketing can have on your business, but we also explore all the ways amplified marketing makes life easier and more efficient for the content marketers struggling to be creative and relevant, and cut through all the noise.