The only B2B content marketing platform fueled by podcast and video content

The Complete Guide to Repurposing Your Content

Written by Casted | Jan 6, 2023 5:00:00 PM

Content marketers are asked to create a lot of content, and anyone who’s been tasked with a consistent cadence quickly realizes that net-new content is not a sustainable model, especially if you have a small or reduced team… or worse, the single content creator at your company is just you.

That’s where amplified marketing can help you get the most cost-effective and promotional mileage out of every piece you create from scratch. By repurposing content for different formats across all the channels your audience prefers, you not only increase your chances of growing your audience, but you take some of the creative pressure off your content marketers while still driving the brand’s revenue.

What is Content Repurposing?

Repurposing content refers to the process of modifying existing content for use in a different format or on another platform. This involves updating or revising the content to make it more relevant or valuable for a new audience or purpose.

The Benefits

With today’s constant pressure to create consistent, engaging and valuable content, repurposing existing content brings many benefits to your team, your organization, and your target audience. Strategically repurposing your content allows you:

    • To maximize the value of your existing content and reach new audiences. When you repurpose content, you strategically reuse your existing resources in new and innovative ways on different platforms.
    • To create “new versions” of content in a timely and cost-effective way, as it allows you to further leverage the work you have already put into creating and curating your existing content. 
    • To keep your website fresh and relevant and have different pieces of content containing the same primary and secondary keywords, both of which help to improve your ranking on the SERPs. 

How to Choose Which Content to Repurpose

Like anything else in content marketing, it is important to have a strategy in place before repurposing your content. 

Start by determining the goals of your repurposing efforts. By understanding what you are trying to achieve, you can choose content that aligns with your goals. This should also help you to determine the formats that your content can be repurposed into, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, podcasts, or social media posts. Choose content that can be easily adapted into a new format, as this will make the repurposing process easier and more effective.

Once you have determined your goals, identify your target audience and the type of content they are interested in. This will help you choose pieces that are valuable and relevant to your audience.

Lastly, assess the performance of your existing content to determine which pieces are popular, engaging, still relevant, and still driving traffic. If a piece of content did not perform well the first time, it is not likely to perform well the second time. Or if the topic is no longer relevant, there is no point in reusing it.

8 Ways to Repurpose Content

The great thing about amplified marketing is it gives your content team a lot more options for all the things you can do with your source material or keystone content. Let’s take a look at 8 great ways to repurpose content:

​​Convert a Podcast into a Blog Post

If you have a podcast episode that covers a particular topic, transcribe the audio and turn it into a written blog post. This immediately makes the content more accessible to a wider audience, as not everyone may be able to listen to your podcast. Casted’s podcast hosting platform allows you to access human-level transcription of all of your published podcasts and store them for easy, searchable access at any time. 

Turn a Blog Post into an Infographic

If you have a long, detailed blog post that covers a complex topic, create an infographic to present the information in a more visually appealing and easily digestible format that can be shared on many different platforms.

Create a Video from a Whitepaper 

If you have a whitepaper that covers a specific topic, create a video summarizing the key points and presenting the information in a more visual and engaging format that can be shared on YouTube, your website, or social media.

Turn an Ebook into a Series of Blog Posts

If you have an ebook that covers a specific topic, break it down into a series of shorter, more focused blog posts. This is a great example of how one piece of content can fuel multiple other pieces of content which helps fill up that content calendar.

Repurpose an Evergreen Blog Post

If you have an old blog post that is still relevant and useful, update it with new information and republish it as a new piece of content. As long as you’ve refreshed the copy, you’ll get the same SEO benefits as if it was an entirely new piece of content. 

Create a Podcast from an Existing Interview

If you have interviewed an expert on a particular topic, turn the interview audio into a podcast episode and share it with your audience. You can also apply this strategy to speaking engagements and presentations at events and conferences.

Convert a High-Traffic Blog Post into a Gated Post

If you have an old blog post that is still driving high traffic, repurpose the post by republishing it and gating the content. The gated content will work to start generating qualified leads, gathering customer data, growing your mailing list, and gaining brand trust.

Repurpose a Podcast into a Series of Social Media Posts

If you have a podcast, new or old, that’s relevant today, transcribe it, and pull interesting snippets to share on social media. 

For more tips on how to repurpose podcast content specifically, check out the article we recently wrote on How to Repurpose, Reuse and Recycle Podcast Content for Social Media.

Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing content is a valuable strategy for maximizing the value of your existing content and reaching new audiences. By updating and revising your content, or presenting it in a new format, you can effectively repurpose your ideas and resources to create new and engaging content. 

Remember to consider your marketing goals, target audience, your existing content's performance, and the content's relevance when choosing which content to repurpose. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can effectively plan and execute a repurposing strategy that will help to drive traffic, generate leads, and increase engagement for your business. 

For more information on how Casted’s platform can help with your content repurposing, request a demo today.