The only B2B content marketing platform fueled by podcast and video content

How Do You Create a Podcast Marketing Plan?

Written by Kate DeGroot | Apr 4, 2023 7:19:43 PM

Podcasts have become much more mainstream in the last few years, and in 2021 nearly a quarter of the US population tuned in. As more and more people start to listen, using podcasts as a way to promote a business has become an important marketing strategy for many. In fact, B2B podcast marketing platforms, like Casted, allow companies to use podcasts as marketing tools even more effectively. 

To have the best chance of success when you send your podcast across the airwaves, you’ll need good content and effective podcast marketing strategies. You might be wondering, “How do I create a podcast marketing plan?” That’s exactly what we’re going to show you in the rest of this article, so keep reading.

What Is a Podcast Marketing Strategy?

It's important to know what a podcast marketing plan is before you start developing one. Your plan will outline everything you must accomplish to ensure your podcast reaches the right ears. 

One good way to get started is to use a podcast marketing plan template. But we get it, creating a template can feel overwhelming when you're just starting out. To get things moving, start by:

    • Identifying your ideal audience
    • Deciding on the best way to serve that audience
    • Setting your marketing aims
    • Picking strategies for reaching them
    • Monitoring your success
    • Revising your plan over time 

How Do I Create a Marketing Plan for My Podcast?

When it’s time to actually crank out your podcast marketing plan, here’s what you should include. 

Identify Your Audience

You’ve decided to start a podcast for your business to improve your brand awareness, build trust in your business as a topic authority, and increase leads. So who’s the ideal audience for you? What kind of person would be interested in what your business has to say?

Let’s say you run a small marketing company that focuses on promoting independent crafters and selling their bespoke makes online. Your ideal audience for a podcast would be these creators. You want the owners of boutique craft businesses to tune into your podcast and gain value from your knowledge.

Decide How to Serve Them Best

Once you’ve zeroed in on your audience, it’s time to think about what kind of podcast would be the most helpful and interesting to them. You don’t need to make a podcast that appeals to everyone, you want to really focus on your niche.

Let’s return to our craft business marketing agency example. Giving your artistic entrepreneurs tangible examples of what successful marketing can look like in their industry could be a great way to serve them. Now it’s time to focus on the specifics, like what is a good podcast structure for sharing this kind of information? A short-form interview structure of successful craft business owners doing what your audience wants to do would work well. Keeping it short and getting a wide range of examples would provide excellent value for your ideal audience.

Set Your Marketing Aims

To market your podcast successfully, you need to identify your goals. It’s time to decide what metrics you’ll look at to define your success. One way to know you have a good goal is to follow the SMART goal acronym. Make sure your marketing goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. 

For our craft business marketer example, a good goal could be “Three months after my podcast launches, I want to have 1,000 unique listens.”

Pick the Right Strategies to Reach Those Aims

Once you know your marketing goals, it’s time to break them down into action steps. Pick the right strategies to make your big goals manageable, and set a timeline for completing every step. Marketing is never a set-it-and-forget-it job, so part of setting up a winning strategy is planning how you’ll do the ongoing work it takes.

You can start by considering things like “how do podcasts promote themselves?” For our crafty marketing example, this business might decide that social media promotion and a weekly companion newsletter are the best strategies for achieving the 1,000 listens after 3 months goal. An important followup question for the marketer will be “what is the best social media to promote my podcast?” Since the audience they are trying to reach sells beautiful objects, highly visual social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube might be the best places to focus their promotion efforts.

Monitor Success Rates

After you’ve chosen the strategies you’ll use for promotion and gotten the word out, it’s important to see how well your chosen strategies are performing. This is where a podcast marketing platform, like Casted, really shines. Forget generic metrics that don’t tell you much, and use a platform that will give you actionable insights you can take to the bank.

Our craft business marketing example will look at the number-of-listens metric as one way to measure how close they are to reaching their 1,000 listens goal. But more detailed insights about their listeners can help them see more about their existing audience and help them add to it. Attribution models can show where people are finding them, and which marketing strategies are giving them the most bang for their buck. 

Keep Improving

Now that you’re publishing content and seeing where it goes, you want to use that great content far and wide. One of the huge benefits of B2B marketing podcasts is that they can be used in so many ways to connect with and provide value to your audience. You can do things like:

    • Produce transcripts that can be shared or repurposed for future blog topics
    • Make short video or audio clips to use for podcast social media marketing
    • Create simple shares and embeds that are great for newsletters and website collateral.

Casted: Your All-in-One Podcast Marketing Solution

We know the world of podcast marketing can feel big and hard to break into. We at Casted want to simplify it for you and help you make great content that gets seen. 

Our platform can help you:

    • Publish Your Podcasts — Whether audio or video, you can host, distribute, and syndicate each podcast episode automatically.
    • Make the Most of It — Get the return-on-investment you’re looking for by breaking down the podcast into a huge range of usable parts. Make clips, videograms, transcripts, and more to squeeze every drop out of your creative genius.
    • See Your Audience — Know who’s listening, where they came from, how they engage, and which pieces resonate most.
    • Find Existing Content — Don’t leave your past great work to be forgotten, search for and use the good stuff you’ve already created too!

Our Amplified Marketing Playbook lays out all the steps for achieving success. Read what you need, then schedule a demo to see it in action!