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Bringing a Podcast to Life with SEP's Kelly Wilson and Zac Darnell

Are you in need of the recipe for a perfect B2B marketing podcasting strategy? Does it include a dash of defining an audience? A pinch of passion within a host? Or an ounce of outstanding content? Well, it’s a mixture of all of those, but you’re missing the secret ingredient: amplifying valuable content that your show can only provide.

For this episode, we were able to sit down with the creators of SEP’s Behind the Product, Zac Darnell and Kelly Wilson who were inspired by the pandemic to pivot their content strategy towards sharing stories of how products are developed and executed.

They’ve shared how they’ve cultivated their list of ingredients of what a powerful brand podcast consists of. Let’s see how they’ve cultivated this staple recipe into one that every podcaster will want to make.



Digging into Key Takeaways

For each episode, we like to highlight some key takeaways. Think of it as a podcast outline or live show notes. Here are just a few of the takeaways that really stood out to us in this episode.

We Want to Tell a Story, and We Want Listeners to Learn Something 📚

How do you make your content relevant to your audience? It might sound simple, but it’s one of the golden rules of podcasting: tell a story that makes them want to learn about what you’re discussing. Use assets like guests to amplify your message across communities. There are many of those who have great stories to tell but are missing out on the opportunity to tell them. Let your podcast serve as their tool to do so. 

Be Receptive, Pay Attention, Willingness to Try New Things 🔑

We all know that age-old metaphor that deals with coloring and staying inside the lines. While that can be great to apply towards making a formula that works well with your show’s strategy, there comes a point where you have to ditch lines to “keep up with the times”. A podcast that is receptive, attentive, and creative is more welcoming for feedback and positive data. Have you strayed away from the lines yet?

Don't Let Fear Stop You 😱

What do cold-calling, lead generation and scouting for guests all have in common? Besides attracting new customers to your company, reaching out to strangers is a fearful underlying denominator. But why does it have to be scary? Reaching out to potential guests always poses the fear of rejection, but don’t let it stop you from talking to experts and exploring those topics that your guests want to hear.

Be Sure to Listen to and Learn from Other Podcasts🎧

Your listeners are key to your podcast’s success, right? They help you gauge whether or not you're putting out engaging content, attracting the right audience, and supporting your show’s mission. Well, how do you begin thinking about your audience before you’ve launched your podcast? Be a consumer first before you make any judgments about the consumer experience.

Interested in more from SEP?

Want to hear more from Zac and Kelly as they take a closer look at how software products are made? Listen to their newest episodes of Behind the Product.  

Want to skim through Zac’s and Kelly’s episode instead of listening? Read the transcript here.

About Season 6 of The Casted Podcast

Welcome to Season 6 of the Casted podcast, where we're focusing exclusively on our own users. Why? Well, because, by becoming Casted customers, it's pretty clear how committed they are, not only to podcasting as a key piece of the future of their marketing efforts, but also to the bigger picture of how these shows fit in to their integrated marketing strategy. They're the most forward-thinking brands that are harnessing the perspectives of experts with podcasts, but they're not stopping there. They're then bringing out those interviews to be amplified across other channels. They're practicing what we preach, and we want you to hear all about what they're doing and why they're doing it, and even better, how you can do it too.